
Amazing Jesus Our Beloved Savior

Romans 8:35: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?"God sent His Son, Jesus, that we may live in Him. He is the perfect example for the world. He paid the debt that we owed for all our sins to be forgiven so that all who believe in Jesus shall be saved. Jesus also suffered. He is teaching us that we should imitate Him to follow in His footsteps, who had no sin, and neither was guile found in His mouth. When we go through triumph or temptation, hate, envy, or persecution that Jesus suffered before us, and there is nothing new under the sun. Jealousy came and killed Abel, and envy and hate crucified Jesus, and God destroyed the people in Noah's time for lust of the flesh, hated and drowned in the flood. Jesus said, "Think not." It's so strange, the fiery trials as though something has happened to you. As Christians and believers, we should have faith, trust, and courage to look up and see where our help comes from.Romans 8:36: "For we know we are killed all day long. We are sheep for slaughter."Romans 8:31: "If God be for us, who can be against us?"

by Gleander Fisher Aaron

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