
Come Beloved Guide: Ven Amado Guia

Come Beloved Guide

We are all children calling out for spiritual guidance. This book, in both English and Spanish, can speak to children and adults of many different cultures. Children can enjoy the beautiful images that bring spirituality into their lives and adults can use this book to share their spiritual journey with children.

Ven Amado Guia

Todos somos ninos que clamamos por guia espiritual. Este libro, tanto en ingles como en espanol, puede dirigirse a ninos y adultos de muchas culturas diferentes. Los ninos pueden disfrutar de las bellas imagenes que aportan espiritualidad a sus vidas y los adultos pueden utilizar este libro para compartir su viaje espiritual con los ninos.


"Thank you so much Mary for this beautiful work that God has bequeathed to us through you." David Johnson, Quaker, Queensland Australia

"Muchas gracias Maria por esta hermosa obra que Dios nos ha legado a traves de ti". David Johnson, Quaker, Queensland Australia

by Mary Miche

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