
Going Back

It is never easy going backward in life, back to where you started and swore you would never be again, Jessie thought as she made her way onto the interstate. She remembered reading a book once that said that very statement. But here she was, heading back to the place where she started out. A place she left in her rearview mirror a long time ago.Ten years had passed since the day she moved away from home. That day, Jessie vowed never to return to the sleepy town of her youth. The town she thought of as a black hole. The kind that sucked you in and held you there forever. Only few were lucky enough to make it out, and even fewer to stay gone from there for good. Jess would never guess what twists and turns waited for her. Let alone Bradford, an old high school acquaintance, who would change her life forever. Some ghosts we bury don't stay buried forever.

by Amanda Paradis

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