Ike and Deat
It's around 1933. Hot-tempered country boy meets tomboy city girl, and their family saga begins. Of course, there's more to the story--living through the Great Depression, the New Deal, dysfunction, and World War II.
Read a family story, but hang on. The ride gets a little bumpy.
In this debut work, Mary DeBord—jack-of-all-trades, master of none—turns a magnifying glass on her family. Her passion for reading caused her mother to worry she'd go blind. She is a spelling champion of many adult literacy spelling bees. Now retired, she has been a packer and line supervisor in the Hollow Tree at Keebler Baking Company in Cincinnati and worked in quality control, checking viscosity of coatings for dog-food cans. A fourteen-year stint at the US Precision Lens, Cincinnati, included measuring, polishing, and research and development for television lenses. She loves crossword puzzles and classical music.