
My Struggle with Churches, Religions, and Human Governments

We human beings have a very big problem with reality. We struggle to know and to understand nature, but we can never know the beginning, cause, and what reality is all about. Our physical sciences cannot give us a complete picture and explanation of reality nor of all the forces, powers, and energies in nature and whether the universe as we know it is all that there is, or is a mere insignificant fragment of an unknowable infinite cosmos and order of things. Our physical sciences do not even know the origin and source of the power and energy that make us live, why our physical life is passing away, and what happens after our physical death. Physicist scientist Max Planck in fact said that, "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature, and that is because, in the last analysis, we are part of the mystery that we are trying to solve." Religions on the other hand, are trying to fill in the gaps and are offering explanations to what our physical sciences have failed to provide answers. The truth of the matter is that neither science alone nor religion alone can give us a complete understanding of reality. They actually supplement and complement each other in our search for the truth. Physicist scientist Albert Einstein made this matter very clear that, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

This book is my struggle in the synchronization and synergy of religious beliefs and faith with the physical realities and actual discoveries of our physical sciences for their symphony and harmony in diversity in our quest to know the origin, power, and energy that created reality, of the irresistible inviolable laws governing it, and of mankind's existence and destiny in the way of the basic Law of Nature of Cause and Effect.VICK MAIZ BARCELON

by Vick Maiz Barcelon

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