
Pain So Deep But Faith Still Strong!

Pain So Deep but Faith Still Strong did not start out as a book, but from a poem that I had written a little over fifteen years ago! The poem is titled "If Only You Knew!"

This poem was written out of pain, depression, loneliness, and a lack of love from those whom I loved the most. I was known in my family what most people are known in theirs, the black sheep.

Pain So Deep but Faith Still Strong was inspired to me by the Holy Spirit on January 1, 2013, when he said to me, "Finish your book."

A book I never even knew existed?

I went home on that day to look for my poem on my computer. When I found it and opened it up, there were about eleven pages of an introduction to my life! Eleven pages that I had never written or seen until that day! I was blown away!

I knew that there was no one but God who had written these pages. While the Holy Spirit was guiding me with this task of writing this book, I realized that God was not only healing me to birth and deliver the pain that I was holding on to for so long, but that he was using me to tell my story to help others birth and deliver their pain as well and for them to know that they're not a mistake but a blessing from God.

As I looked back over my life, I realize that God kept his hands on me the whole entire time through his grace and mercy saving me from death, drugs, depression, and prison!

by Shannon Hammonds inspired by the Holy Spirit

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