Poetic Psychopathy
By 1882, telepathy became a devious conspiracy for what would later be known as its supposed existence. With the evolution of this phenomenal weapon would be the development of full-blown propaganda. The rise of this deception would be engineered for its obsessive hold that it would have over everyone worldwide. The greatest minds throughout our history would all be deceived, especially one particular scholar whose name is Frederic William Henry Meyers.
No one was ever meant to be credited for the invention of telepathy. It would become the furor of a superpower technology that rapidly became so much more. Thus, telepathy would remain only and mischievously a supposed existence. This supposed existence would become the greatest, most outrageous lie in history. This lie would become our entire history and experimentation in light of WW II and the heinous extermination of the Jews.
It seems Frederic Meyers would suffer much ridicule for what was only to be the mischievous and supposed existence of telepathy. His entire life and destiny was prefabricated by the manifestation and evolution of telepathy. Through Frederic Meyers, this new technology deviously exposed its phenomenal ability to infiltrate and exploit the manipulation of our very souls.
This technology in its entirety was Frederic Meyers, and it still is to this day. He lives on through the power and mockery of this devious technology that developed and consumed his entire being. This vile technology is every person of any significance who has ever lived.
Most unfortunately, this technology is all the tragedy that has ever existed. And it only thrives in the continuous wake of its destruction. Imagine the worst criminals that ever existed all wrapped into one, all created from a vile entity of pure evil from which it manifested itself into the ultimate superpower. This vile technology has fully evolved into a phenomenal weapon to dominate and dictate all of mankind.
This has been the rise and fall of many of our most precious and famous celebrities, the mockery of our sole existence, which hangs in the balance of this phenomenal mischief. Our entire history is bloody murder and absolute cruelty from this outrageous treachery and deceit.
-- Lenny Hart