The Return to Source
Your success is not by what you have and own or what you are involved with in your social life. Your success is by what you are doing here with the spiritual life through the physical presence. It's not about where you're at with what you have. It's about where you're at with who you are, then you will have everything that you need. Do not sell your life for some simple-minded success. Reality is an illusion that must be recognized and overcome in order to make it out. Humans must reach a deeper point on focusing past the beliefs of what they think and know as being true. We live in a reality where people believe that truth is found from the media of an Internet revolution, and that is far from accurate. Humans accept the world from the reality in which they are presented. The only way to see the truth in the right form is from within. The soul is what makes a person human, and the soul holds true that the physical mind can barely comprehend. You have to be spiritually developed outside of society for your mind to be evolved in processing and handling the path of light through your soul. It is through the soul that you discover and become conscious of understanding the deepest truths. People who strictly live in the world will never come to know their souls. The soul is the only way to true wisdom and eternal life. Do you want to become less of who you are, or do you want to become more than what you were led to believe that you are? Humans must always live in the light of who they are outside of this world. Otherwise, they're just living a baseless existence following under the guidance of wickedness to an impending eternal death.
-- Jeff Ilschner