Featured Releases

My Journey Into Madness: A Travelogue is a stream-of-consciousness story about one man's journey to find a purpose in his life. It is an irreverent, bizarre, and sometimes thought-provoking look at the world through the narrator's eyes, as he navigates through the real and imaginary worlds inside of his mind. Two other short stories are included, bordering o...

What do you do if the bad guys in your life grab you to get back a priceless diamond - which, by the way, you don't have - and they're willing to kidnap, torture, and/or kill to obtain it?

After you make your escape, you help devise - with the assistance of the most devious people you know - a totally improbable plan to reproduce the lost treasure? T...

Santa is a real person as portrayed in a family setting. I hope you think so also. Enjoy!

As a pediatric nurse, the information and experience has remained with me all my life. I enjoy writing, and Santa is special to all. He seemed all alone, and now he has a friend and family.


After years of sacrifice, getting through medical school and residency, a young pediatrician from New York with a wife and three children moved to Montgomery, Alabama, to start a practice and grab some of the good life. They say that if you want to amuse God, make plans; and if you listen on a quiet night, you can still hear the Almighty chuckling over that ...

The Word of God says that the rewards for the prophets, saints (meaning the church), and those that fear God will be given after the sound of the seventh and last trumpet--which sounds, in the book of Revelation, after the kingdoms of this world (or the kingdoms of Satan) become the kingdoms of God. Then Christ will begin to reign on the earth, and it says t...

The Cycles of CreationThe PresenceThe energies of Creation are cycling once again as our world completes another 26,000 years voyage through the houses of our zodiac."The Cycles of Creation" series of 16 books are an outline of what is to come forth now for all of Creation, Mother Earth, and the Children of Light.These books will energetically assist each re...

The purpose of these poems is to make women laugh, which is my passion. But I also want to use these poems for shy men when approaching a girl with the deer stuck in the headline syndrome. If you can break the ice with a funny poem and get her to smile or laugh, it's much easier to talk to her....

It was December 1854, French chemist Louis Pasteur, dean of the faculty of sciences at the University of Lille, stated a famous quote, "Chance favors the prepared mind." What does that really mean? Simply put, the better prepared you are, the more likely you can take advantage of new opportunities. Pasteur was a genius who developed vaccines for anthrax and ...

A nuclear war ends life on earth, and a secret society called Zion survived underground by sealing their doors. One hundred years passed by, and a new generation began to see the beautiful and prosperous city they would inherit one day; however, they felt no reason to change themselves. They believe Zion's belief systems are no longer applicable and seek to ...

Are you aware of yourself and what you're made of as a human being? Are you conscious of your inner strength and capabilities? Do you know the reason why you were born on earth at a certain period and place? Are you aware of your journey and purpose in life? Have you ever questioned yourself about the existence of a living God? If yes, do you completely beli...

Against the backdrop of the rocking and raucous eighties and nineties in NY, London, Paris, Milan, and Oslo, a self-taught fashion designer imperfectly navigates love, fame, fortune, and failure, battling his inner demons while under the control of the secret female cabal called the BookKlub....

An inspiring bedtime story about a wonderous kite who takes to the sky to show Homer, his creator, what being a kite is all about. With a puff of good wind, he's up and away, soaring and diving in his own special way. He dips to the left, then tacks to the right, in smooth gentle moves that are made for a kite. Other kites see him and join in the fun. They c...

Tippy wasn't born into ideal circumstances and blindness resulted. That didn't deter his energy, curiosity or imagination. In fact, for a young cat, he had all of that and then some! Enjoy following his antics and adventures through his one year, amazing-filled life!...

Kate Archer is a warm and energetic woman who is totally devoted to her family. A woman who lives her life constantly providing love and care to those around her.When her grandchildren are born, she becomes deeply attached to them, but slowly her daughter-in-law manages to estrange them from her. When her husband Joe falls ill, her life revolves around carin...

A feel-good, uplifting poem in rhyme to keep and read over and again. Set to inspirational illustrations on every page....

Poetry has a way of getting one to thinking, maybe ponder a bit. Sometimes it can find a way for someone to reflect into his or her life, like "Moving On" or "Our Greatest Gift."Poetry can also be serene, sentimental, enlightening, or just plain pleasing to read. It can also let someone see the same words differently and mean something else to him or her. ...

Burt was a seven-year-old who felt abandoned by his parents, who migrated to England with the promise of sooner than later bringing their seven children, who had been scattered out to family members on both sides of the family. Along with his three younger siblings, he was placed under the care of his mother's half sister in the parish of Saint Catherine....

This book tells the story of a young woman's journey in life while being a military spouse. The reader will experience how amazing and challenging military life can be. The book shows the many military roles a spouse will have to claim/hold while supporting the active soldier/family while trying to find herself in the mix of it all. This book will empower, i...

Darrian Collins is recently divorced and is starting over in Austin, Texas. She has a job at a restaurant and is studying at the same time while trying to meet new people. Her older sister Danielle Collins lives in the same city, and she is pushing for her younger sister to go out on dates and be more sociable. While Darrian is living a simple and quiet life...

True stories that track the journey of two free-spirited entrepreneurs through time and space from England to New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Phoenix, and Mexico. The journey ends up in Mission, Texas, at an RV park that was transformed into a community of winter Texans and full-time residents. Your travel guide is Julia Stanton Peck, park owner, autho...

The last individual watches from a rooftop and dreams of a different world, a world not confined to four walls, not dictated by technology and uniformity.She comes to him and offers a deal he can't refuse: write to set the city free.Sal soon finds himself in an underground headquarters of a group of "individuals" working to dismantle the system and reestabli...

Welcome to the Hood, Motherhood is a captivating memoir that takes you on my personal journey as a single mother raising three children. From bringing my babies home from the hospital to navigating the challenges of nursing, daycare, and early childhood development, I share heartfelt experiences. As a young parent with little support, I learned the realit...

So what do you do? How many times have you been asked this by a complete stranger? My father's standard response was "I herd sheep." He didn't think it was anyone's business. Next they'll want your academic credentials and GPA. It's assumed everyone goes to school to manifest their life. Not so. Education opens your brain so you can think for yourself...

Confucius said that while at home, a young person should serve their parents. In all major religions, it stresses the importance for children to show respect to those responsible for bringing them into the world. The Quran writes, "Be good to your parents," while the Old Testament preaches to "Honour thy father and thy mother." With such clear messaging, one...

This book is what you need to have to install solar panels and live off the grid....