Featured Releases

In the depths of the ocean, the ancient fish god Dagon rises from his underwater palace, not in search of food but in search of a mate. Dagon is on a quest to find himself a bride. Barely breaching the watery surface, he spots a gorgeous girl on a boat hanging out with her friends on a bright sunny afternoon. He cannot tear his eyes away from her.Upon seeing...

For nearly five hundred years, Jake Matthews has walked this earth, lurking in the shadows, struggling between his inner loneliness and the past that forever haunts him. With his last dying breath as a human, he vowed justice for what he lost. With no answers or leads to uphold that vow he swore to keep, he is torn between the side of good and the side of ev...

When a physician driven by compassion takes to the streets of downtown Los Angeles to anonymously live among the homeless community he has been treating for years, he unexpectedly learns lessons beyond his imagination while making relationships that shape him as both a doctor and a human being. Return to Homelessness is a nonlinear story about a physician's ...

Crispin Aleron was an ordinary mortal man until the night he was attacked and left for dead. A stranger appeared from nowhere, making an offer he couldn't refuse. Offers such as this cannot be without consequences, but Crispin had no time to think it over.Now, centuries later, the consequences are becoming clearer. Spending all these years repaying his debt,...

Shortly after the long-awaited "second coming" messianic prophecy, Paul "Roeh" Ross awakens to a world of ruins. With a third of the population vanished, the diminished sunlight, and his heightened mental and physical abilities, he's assured this is not the world of old. Unbeknownst to him, he and his trusted ax have been chosen as the key weapon of the worl...

Zaina and Sahil are living their lives and straddling two cultures that take them from Karachi and Islamabad to the Swat Valley and then back to Boston. He is a nuclear scientist studying and teaching at a prestigious university. She is fighting her way out of an arranged marriage and wanting to establish her career. They are two strangers who find common bo...

A small town in the hills of Southern Indiana is the hometown of Michael Johnson. Michael "MJ" Johnson is the town marshal who wants to simplify his life as he approaches the age of forty. He decides to leave law enforcement, and just weeks before his official retirement date, a murder takes his life down a complicated series of paths that eventually leads h...

If your dog were to write a love note to you, this is what they would say Love Notes from Your Dog is a unique and thoughtful gift for dog lovers. In this book, Lori Thomas has compiled a precious collection of sentiments dogs would express to their owners if they could. Dogs have an amazing way of displaying a pure and unconditional love for us and this boo...

Governance and management have a big problem. Organizations must learn to thrive in our highly interdependent world, even as that world is changing more rapidly and in more unpredictable and uncontrollable ways. Organizations need to become much more situation aware. Situation Awareness is a mainstay of air force and military doctrine, nuclear power plant ma...

Amelia lives a double life, hiding what she really is, as she works for the Chicago PD, supernatural division. The world of Chicago is much different than you realize. It is filled with a hidden world living within the city. Her job is to protect humans from the creatures that live within the city. In the madness of the city, Amelia finds herself lost in the...

Joey's childhood years of drug abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and socio-economic deprivation acts as catalyst for his teen age as well as adult years conduct of human manipulation of those with whom he comes in contact. His crusade to destroy and disrupt the lives of people who comes too close to him emotionally and physically becomes his only missio...

She lost her mom, her infant brother, and her twin, and if that's not enough, she lost her voice. Therefore, it was only natural that after this happened, she would lose her faith in God as well. Nonetheless, the world continued around Mirda, forcing her to adapt. Hurting in ways no one could understand, she went through life just getting by. Little did Mird...

The Way I Learned: Academic Strategies for Regular and Special Education is a collection of different learning techniques from the point of view of a dyslexic. The subjects are described so that students in both elementary general education and those with learning disabilities can understand English language arts, reading and writing, and different types of ...

In my eighteenth year, I was shipped to Vietnam, where I performed a variety of duties as a lower-ranking enlisted man from October 18, 1966 through October 25, 1967. My aim in this novel was to convey in a fictional account something of the truncated experiences I, and others like me, endured. Like millions of other young men, I submitted to the draft la...

A New Land and a New Journey…

After the deaths of her family during their journey West in the summer of 1863, ten-year-old Frankie Harding continued on the trail, determined to find her family's homestead waiting for her somewhere deep within the Sand Hills of the Nebraska Territory. When she finally pulls her team and wagon to a stop on her family'...

My book is very unique and different from others. I talk about the news and what is going on with the government. Other things that I mentioned are my opinions on songs, movies, and shows that Hollywood produces and how they speak to me. My book is similar to my first one, as it has everything to do with evolution and my opinion on why we are all here right ...

My book is first to praise God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit and also to express words of love to Mother Mary, Virgin Mother; may these words speak to your heart as they have me.

Writing is something I like to do, to bring to life words and thoughts, bring joy and love to people. It so happened that a book was in the making in praise to Lord God and...

Jersey, My Love is a journey of putting the past behind oneself and learning to love life in the present. It deals with trials and tribulations of young and old and the struggles that affect lives then and now.

Faced with loss and pain, Hyppolite must now learn to create a new life in Jersey City, a popular city in the state of New Jersey. Hyppolite m...

This is the story of two people in the 1930s who bonded by the railroad and their eternal love. They come from completely different walks of life. Nick Greenwood is a working-class railroad engineer from America. Serena Rose is from a high-class English family. After a chance encounter, they begin to fall in love, but not everything is so rosy for them.There...

This book is designed to be read to your child one story at a time as the lesson is needed. Most parents will want to start with Listen to Your Parent and play the listening game. The listening game is too intense to play all the time, so set aside some time on a regular basis to teach your child how to listen.Select other stories to read one at a time as th...

Miracles are real! They are the fruit of Christian faith!Many of us have experienced miracles in our lives that cannot be explained away with human logic.In this book, you will read testimonies of thirty-five members of one unique, Bible-based church. These members have experienced the truth of miracles.Their testimonies touch nearly every aspect of human ex...

See the World through My Eyes is a collection of poems about the natural world and the dealing of confinement, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health, death, and oppression, as well as love, loneliness, and heartbreak....

Due to the ever-changing landscape we face, this book was meant to be the most complete guide to the waterfalls in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Following this guide will allow everyone, no matter your hiking knowledge or ability, to enjoy some of the beauty that abounds in the area. It is noted that a very high percentage of the falls as shown are rarely...

Baby Birds is a sweet and funny book for children. It demonstrates how parents can sometimes be a bit forgetful as well as a bit overly excitable. Baby Birds demonstrates how the smallest of creatures have a voice and that they should respectfully use it when necessary....

In the small village of San Pietro Avellana in the Apennine Mountains in Abruzzo, a young boy of fourteen, Vivi Colaianni, roams its mountainous area spying on the Nazi movements near the final years of World War II. With his friend Amedeo Frattini, he sets out to warn the Allied troops coming up the Italian peninsula of the German general's plan to stop the...