Our Latest Releases

The Halloween Warriors: Parts 6, 7 & 8

The Halloween Warriors part 6, 7, and 8 is a story divided into three parts that describes the desce...

Lily Bear Bones Likes

Lily Bear Bones has a lot of personality and enjoys learning and following the rules. A true sweet t...

The Navajo Sign

Fate, time, and destiny have a way of balancing the scales set off-kilter by the actions of the gree...

The Tears of My Soul

GOD said to write the book day after day, and week after week. I screamed “I can't write the book ...

Beginning to End

Beginning to End is the book I needed when I accepted the Director position of my first child care c...

The Term Paper

The Term Paper

This story takes us through the life of a young man w...

Autumn Footsteps

I have spent much of my life in the out-of-doors following in the autumn footsteps of my father, hi...

Christmas on time now and Forever

At Christmas, we all take Santa's delivery of presents for granted. None of us has ever considered t...

Mr. L.E. Font

Have you ever wondered what is running though the animals' minds when you visit them at the zoo? Wel...

Who Am I ?

This book is not a tell-all book. It's a tell what I want to tell about my life and the many twists ...

Angel's Grove

It was a beautiful summer in Munich when Tretan slipped the ring upon Adelisa's finger and made her ...

Five Old Guys

The Five Old Guys are all dead now, as are most of the once homeless people in this book, but the lo...