Our Latest Releases

Whatever Happened to Dagmar?

This is the journey of a young European immigrant who was living the American dream—life, liberty,...

Growing Up in the Splash Zone

Growing Up in the Splash Zone is a story about a little girl and her many shared adventures with fam...

Recovery Uncovered

Addiction and the 12 steps as a program are designed to help be a roadmap for a better tomor...

Bloodied for the Cause

The book reveals the inner workings of a large union taken from newspaper and union officials accoun...

The Prophecy: The Blood War Over Humanity

The saga of the DeWitt and Dubois families continues, fighting against all odds with friends and foe...

Fifty Years on the Wrack Line

Fifty Years on the Wrack Line is a collection of poems, haikus, and musings from Corona del ...

vulnerable beauty

the story within these pages could belong to anyone. why? because love and grief do not discriminate...

A World Without You

A man in his early forties is unable to sleep as he contemplates the decision of running for mayor o...


My name is John Richard Campbell. I've been called Rick all my life. Instead of Ruckus, I named this...


Back Cover Text

Larry P. Revisited is a timely effort on the part of a group of dedic...

Charlie Bear Goes To School

Children, follow Charlie Bear through his first day of school and learn how much fun school can be! ...

The Hill

This book is for everyone who is struggling or suffering along life's path.

Everyone ...