Our Latest Releases

How Little Changed My Life

Officer of the law Sebastian Adam Greyson is challenged to question everything he thought he ever kn...

Blueberry Lu

Lucy loves blueberries! She especially loves blueberries when they are frozen! However, the colder ...

Angel Stones

Man has been on earth for millions of years. Recorded history has covered only a few thousands of th...

The Mind, Heart, and Soul

Standing still

Time stands still for no one, yet some of us have our hearts come to a...

The Brambley Letters

The letters include tragedies of Dickensian nature and scale, but unlike Charles Dickens's tales, th...

The Paradox of Marriage

The title of this book sounds like an oxymoron because the book reveals an oxymoronic nature of marr...

The Cradle of the Raptor

Life could be beautiful and idyllic on the little Raptor farm nestled among the shady green forests ...

An EMT's Memories or You Can't Make this S--- Up

If you have ever worked with or had partners who had odd or strange idiosyncrasies, you will enjoy t...

Let's Pay Death Off

Terrence Allen and Donovan Michaels were best friends, and upon their return home, they encountered ...

21 Life Nuggets

Twenty-one Life Nuggets. The experts tell us it takes twenty-one days to form new habits. In this bo...

I Love You Funny Bunny

Best friends come in all shapes and forms. There is nothing better than a friend who makes you giggl...


Bridgette Livingston has spent the last six years on Deselvo Island hiding from Horace, the man who ...