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This narrative was made from the east side of Cleveland murders and my lifestyle, of coming up witho...

Early in the spring of 1864, life suddenly becomes complicated, and more than a little confusing, fo...

A Compilation of Short Stories
The short stories in this book are fictional accounts of actual incidents. And when I say fictional,...

This book is about middle-aged woman from the Deep South. She shares her thoughts and spirituality a...

The Reluctant President
It's 1947. The postwar world is in crisis. The Soviet Union seeks to gain control of a world whose c...

Lord Mac needs a vacation. His royal family is growing along with his planet, Andromeda One, the gat...

Seven Sisters, Finding home, Sierra
Seven sisters are torn from everything they know when both of their parents die in a horrific car ac...

Forever… Love between two people is one of life's most desired gifts to be treasured for all times...

It was a much different world when I wrote the majority of this book in the last half of the year 20...

The Cycles of Creation A New Testament of Life Cycle III Genesis
The Cycles of Creation III GenesisOur World is undergoing a true Rebirth and Genesis...Humanity can ...

Theory and Practice of Productive Forces in Consumption Society
Theory and Practice of Productivity in Consumption Society specializes in the productivity of consum...

Political Savvy
For Those Special People Over The Face Of The Earth - Adjourning Into That Special Vision Wisdom Rea...