Our Latest Releases

Spiritual Immaturity

Immaturity has played a major part in the challenges of life. We say we love God, yet many believers...

Love Never Dies

As the old adage says, “If you love someone or something, let them go, and if they come back to yo...

Whistling Willy

Sharing this story for every child who will experience all the phases of growing up and being able t...

Inner-City Poetry Expressing the Duality of Man

Let me introduce myself, my name is Melvin L. Jones. I was born in Chicago, Illinois, raised on the ...

I Didn't Know I Was Black Until You Told Me

An inspirational book detailing the profound changes in the life of a black child being left at a ho...

Confrontation on the Curb

Confrontation on the Curb is a remarkable story about hope and redemption and how they can be found ...


Jackson Ackerman is your ordinary Midwestern, small town man. Recently divorced with no love interes...


Eighteen year old Ariel is a senior in high school. This boy in her English class catches her eye: h...

Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface is a true-life journey through the experiences of Sue Johnson who works as an oc...

I Couldn't Find the Morning Time

My son Riley is twenty-five now. But when he was five, one time, he went to bed early and woke up to...

The Other Side of Town

Flowers come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Those differences make our world beautiful.

Happy Taskett

Tall-for-his-age, curly haired Happy Taskett is one of the most appealing, wonderful boys in town, a...