Our Latest Releases

Deanna A Tiny Ant
Deanna is a tiny ant who is not allowed to play outside the house because she is a tiny ant. She liv...

Full Ahead
Harry Bolton and Jacob Emerson are in their element - surfing in the deep Western Pacific. It's only...

Ava's Adenoids
This is a story about a little girl who weighed less than three pounds when she was born. It address...

Musings: Vietnam, Conjectures, and More
Mr. Lambelet's interests, with degrees to match, range from physics to neuroscience. His main intere...

Star-crossed lovers share a passionate kiss and are left with unanswered questions and aching hearts...

Grandma's Prayer Book
This book tells you about prayers. Mark 1:15 says, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is...

Fuzzy Thelma Is On The Roof Oh My! Oh My!
Fuzzy Thelma is a Scottish Highland cow and Gram's favorite of all the farm animals. She is usually ...

The Ribbon Bow Shoes
The Ribbon Bow Shoes is a creative account of a journey, recalling childhood memories. The main char...

Write and Draw Your Own Poems
This book of poems was written to inspire young poets to write and draw pictures for their poems. It...

Pollywog Pond
Growing up in a small town in New Jersey, the woods were my playground. Pollywog pond was a place do...

Color Your Energy
If nature and its spectrum of colors could speak, what messages would they have for you? How could t...