Our Latest Releases

Incident on the Road to Canterbury

In 1366, a young Geoffrey Chaucer travels to Canterbury with a group of pilgrims to worship at the t...

A Tale of the Vienna Woods

Martin Sands was a young American soldier stationed at an American military base in Germany during t...

Building a Powerful Foundation

You are about to become a parent for the first time, and suddenly you are overwhelmed by the awesome...

Where Love's Legacy Began

From the day they met, Princess Andrea and Prince Steven knew there was something special between th...

Just Imagine Alice

Just Imagine Alice was originally brought to life as a bedtime story for the author's two children, ...

Hiding behind Horses

Eric was a sweet man with a sweet bride, but in an instant, they become embroiled in a war between t...

Cops are People Too

A humorous and sometimes embarrassing insightful look at law enforcement during the performance of t...


As a child, I had always wondered why I couldn't throw a ball on target or why I tended to walk with...

Justice and Honor for My Sister

I can still vividly recall that dreadful day my parents received the telegram that Margie, my twin s...

The Nightmare Gift of Rose Wilkins

Nine-year-old foster child Rose Wilkins has terrible nightmares. Not knowing that her nightmares and...

Lion of the Caribbean

Aubre Desaulle had become the very thing he was trying to kill, a pirate. Combing waters of the New ...

When Friends Part

In a remote location, two friends are looking for fun, peace, and quiet. Nathan and Scott have been ...