Our Latest Releases

The Adventures of Stan the Corn Earworm

Join Stan the Corn Earworm and his friends as they venture into the big city. They meet a cat who ta...

Sneaky Got Caught Being Sneaky

This book is about a first-grader named Sneaky who has a habit of sneaking and making bad choices. T...

The Girl Who Absolutely Hated...

Join, Rosemary on a relatable learning adventure! Explore and discover a lesson, that can help yo...

A Best Friend's Promise

Susie is ripped away from her childhood home, never given a reason for this disruption to her life. ...

Come Walk with Me, I Got a Story

My name is Margaret Gordon. The name of my book is Come Walk With Me, I Got a Story.The book is abou...

Evolution of Electrochemistry

While modern science and technology are studied at different levels in schools, colleges, and univer...

Stepping Into Accountability

At some point and time in our life, we have all been tempted to “take a walk on the wild side.” ...

Teagan's Dad

Covering the years of turmoil following the kidnapping and brutal rapes of seventeen-year-old Jane E...

The Night Is Mine

This is a book of poetry that I wrote in my younger years....


Jace knew Macy and Matt had a secret. He set out to spy on them, convinced they were hiding somethin...

You're Only as Good as Your Last Sale

Basic foundational principles of sales providing a commonsense approach to record sales growth.


In the Meaning of Me

Writing has always been my emotional support and spiritual comfort. Being able to verbalize how I'm ...