Our Latest Releases

Sam's Invisible Shield

Join Sam, a young adventurer in the bustling town of Harmonyville, where not everything is sunshine ...

Tea and Cookies Day

The cookies are baked and the tea is served. It's finally Grandparent's Day! Emmy doesn't call anyon...


When customs and traditions, enacted to protect and preserve the cultural heritage of the people, be...

The Cycles of Creation A New Testament of Life Cycle II Aquarius

The Cycles of Creation IIAquarius Our Solar System is entering another 26,000 year voyage through th...

Bobby Learns How to Fish

This book takes you on a journey with Bobby and how he learned everything about fishing from choosin...

Zero the Hero!

Zero the Hero! Zero Helps Turn a Negative into a Positive is a story of how a young talented athlete...

32 Years Behind the Scenes of the US Open

Whether you are a golf enthusiast or not, you will enjoy this peek behind the scenes at the United S...

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION: A Young Filmmaker's Guide

Do you love movies? Have you ever wanted to make your own but don't know where to start? If so, this...

Poems From the Heart

This book is a compilation of poems written from the hearts of the authors. If you enjoy poetry, thi...

The Summer of '62

Mixing fact with fiction, this novel is the story of four 18-year-old boys who are looking for some ...

The Unraveled World

In a world torn apart by a devastating virus, where humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, a s...

Mr. Buckingham

Mr. Buckingham was teased and rejected, but he had a surprise no one ever expected.

He longed...