Our Latest Releases

Canadian Adventure
North American Adventures is another in the Odyssey series. It's another adventure trip with Captain...

The Countdown
As the world marches closer to the rapture and the tribulation, some people heed the warning signs a...

I believe that most of you would feel that an older bachelor coming into possession of a briefcase p...

Chords of Time
The Summer of 1961. Camelot. The Twist. Elvis and Marilyn. Mantle and Maris. An alluring but dea...

The Return: New Beginnings
The world, as we knew it, ended in the blink of an eye when they returned, bringing with them destru...

Heaven on Earth
May God be praised. This book is designed by the Holy Spirit to help every born-again Christian a...

From Patriotism To Prison
My book is the story of the murder of my wife of twenty-seven years and my conviction of her murder....

PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSBeing that this book is about women, there is absolutely no way I could hav...

Preservation of the Union
Preservation of the Union--Then and Now is a book written by Robert Tolbert, a ninth-generation Amer...

The Magic Carousel
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there was a small town deep in a forest. On the edge o...

The Great Goodbye
Based on a true story, a young American soldier fighting in the Vietnam War meets a beautiful Vie...

Cooking with Granddad
During a time where health and food go hand in hand, I wanted to be able to continue to eat and not ...