Our Latest Releases

Mindful Movement: Heal Your Back Pain with BAM Therapy

Today, the number one ailment affecting Americans is back pain, which impacts more than 80 percent o...

Isle Royale Greenstone

Isle Royale Greenstones are forever going to be a part of Michigan's rich cultural and mining histor...

Xavion & Sareyus

During the Earth's third incarnation, eight of the nine gods craft a warrior. He is Xavion, and at t...

The Red and the Blue

A dismal society in cataclysmic decline, including government oppression and environmental ruin, pro...


Now readers can look through the lens and become part of a profession that connects them into electr...

Our American Flag

Our American Flag was written to inspire minds of all ages, to see the symbols of America, and to le...

The Alien Ring

Rob is an unusual high school senior. He doesn't waste his talents playing video games all day after...

Olders' Voices

Olders' Voices describes what it's like to become and to be older. Twenty-nine people tell their sto...


11She wasn't crazy...right?So begins the story of Justine Hornbecker. At eighteen, she dreams of bei...

Ya Gotta Love ‘Em: Stories From Amish Country

Deborah Ann Hart, author of Before I Pour This Over Your Head, is back again with her second book. H...


Maggie Isabella Langley lived in a world of wealth, privilege, and class. As a Langley, she was expe...

Sun Shine Sprinkles

This short rhyme provides smooth thought into using your imagination. The colorful illustrations hig...