Our Latest Releases

Letters From Wankie

"Letters from Wankie" is a unique true story based on the collection of some 500 air letters the aut...

Silent Survival

This story begins in the late 1800s with the immigration of an Irish family to the New World. One...


Glimpses: That Which Has Been, Shall Be Again depicts a powerful, spiritual connection between tw...

Across North Capitol Street

The story begins in North Carolina. Jacob, the main character, lives on a farm. He worked the fam...

Zero To Seventy-Five: How I Escaped the Kids' Table

Thanks for buying my book! You are going to be taken on a journey that I extracted from my memory, w...

Rivers, Pickups & Friends

Tim Nicholas, Bob Farley, and Gary Jenkins grew up together in a small neighborhood in Pendleton,...

Say Yes!

It is important to Say Yes! to the everyday wonders in our lives. Young or old, we all need to be...

Freaky Friday

Freaky Friday( A Jurassic Adventure)Is about five teenagers being sent back through time to the J...

Whom The Gods Would Destroy

Sarianna Welles is raised by a sadist. Robert Rhodes is taught by a sadist. Now both find that sa...

Odyssey Down Under

The Odyssey Down Under, which started in the first book, has blossomed into a continuing story. <...

Consider Your Possibilities

Have you ever heard the words "You'll never do anything more" or found yourself dreaming while yo...

Cherished Memories Of Long Ago

This is about a boy who was born in California and raised in Kentucky. He hitchhiked two thousand...