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When Two Hearts Entwine The Firestone

In her seventeen years, they have moved so often she gives up on ever making friends. Not only does ...

Global Market-Marketing Research in 21st Century and Beyond

From reviews of Global Market/Marketing Research in 21st Century and Beyond:

"This compreh...

The First National Tee-Party Candidate

Specific reservation of author's First Amendment rights under the authority of the United States ...

Accessory to Stolen Love

Initially, she felt lost and abandoned amid grief and loneliness among many fears. She knew that ...

Living Positive With Imperfection

Bob Patton grew up with little hope or opportunity, living in near poverty. With dreams, deter...

Andy's Kentucky Rifle

Andy's life covered the formative years of the United States of America. He met several prominent...

Anatomy of a Wrongful Conviction

Anatomy of a False Conviction by Kurt P. Radder--Taking place in Austin Texas beginning in 2008, ...


Alyn, along with his two flatmates, were on track to graduate college at the end of the semester, en...

Visions That Kill Her Silence

In Elle's upbringing, sexual abuse and rape was something not to be exposed, never discussed, and co...

Deer in the Fields of Venice

Father Maurice Lamoreaux is a man of undisputed faith as well as a teacher in the classroom and a fo...

A Town's Nightmare

Pastor Albert mentioned a minister who was slain in 1846 during the proclamation of changing reli...

Redemption The Story of Bert and His Boys

Well into the twentieth century, slavery cast its long shadow over African American life. The cre...