Our Latest Releases

How Can I Engage Thee?
Synopsis of trademarkI chose to model the uhuru sasa, trademark in the shape of an unfinished hive. ...

Jotted Down Madness
The six chapters of this book were chosen to reach a variety of audiences. The poems are randomly on...

From The Beginning
From the Beginning: The Saga of the Next Generation is a continuation of the Newman Springs publi...

The Trail of the Wolf
When asked to do a summary of the above captioned novel, I think it is very important to know why I ...

Santa's Great Idea
Once upon a time, Santa Claus decided to modernize his old red sleigh. He and his elves had lots ...

Mystery at the Haunted Castle
Meet Pat and Patty Flaugherty (pronounced flair-tee), teenage fraternal twins who have a penchant...

From the Ballfields to the Coalfields
I have written many stories I will always treasure which began during the Great Depression in the 19...

A Simply Pur-r-r-fect Journey with Mojo
Hi, friends! Mojo Bin Rahma Buga Buga here! Are you ready for a fascinating time with me?

Bobby Ochs, Kid from the Bronx and Restaurant Partner to the Stars
Bobby Ochs' story is that of a first generation American, the youngest of four children, born in 194...

Bedtime Rhymes
Jack and Jill were badly mistreated by their stepmother, who fed the dog more than she fed the ch...

Written Scars
This is a collection of significant poems that together tell the story of how I became the person...

The Wolves of Terra
"Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the ...