Our Latest Releases


Once an individual hath found thy path and begin'eth thy journey toward enlightenment, ye shall know...

A Witch's Vendetta

Cheap margaritas, a cemetery, and a full moon--what could possibly go wrong? When Emberly Cavanau...

All Small Engines Everywhere

This tech - manual; hand guide is intended to assist anyone; anywhere with two; and four cycle sm...

The Story of Gimpy the Indiana Dog

The Story of Gimpy the Indiana Dog is a yarn that is designed to capture the minds and hearts ...

The Pandemic

The Pandemic is a fiction book of short stories that will take you through a firsthand account of...

Mr. L.E. Font Meets his Match

Remember Mr. L.E. Font, the elephant who was always sad? Well, if you go back to the zoo, a differen...

The Snake

We all know people with big egos, who are self-centered and all for themselves--the "me" people. ...

The Echoes of Belecia

When Azuki Inoue first got her medallion at the tender age of fifteen, she thought it was the sec...


Harold Lathan was sprawled on the bricks of the courtyard, almost obscured by the shrubbery. Surely ...

The Surrealist Dominant

Decoherence: am I alive or dead without Her? Who am I without Her? My journey, my journey is s...

Unfriendly Fire

On February 15, 1946, the life of US Army Technician Fifth Grade Floyd O. Hudson Jr. was cut shor...

Henderson's Meat Wagon

It's the mid-'70s in the small town of Humboldt, Iowa. Daniel Henderson owns a meat-processing pl...