Our Latest Releases

Better Angels

What would it look like if Lesley and Dusty had a romantic relationship? A good Jewish girl from ...

The Beautiful Old Fairy

The Beautiful Old Fairy is a wonderful and beautiful novel for our kids and teens. This book is abou...

This Is Why I D.A.N.C.E.

As a traumatic brain injury survivor, former health care professional, expressive artist, nonprofit ...

The Zinc City, Webb City, Missouri

This book is a partial collection of research done by Jeanne Newby in her thirty-one years of wri...

Leyenda de Los Romero, entonces y hoy The Legend of the Romeros, Then and Today

Dr. Ofelia Romero-Motlagh has written a book identifying and celebrating her nineteen-member family,...

White Raven: Transit of the Moon

Journey through a creative storytelling interpretation of modern poetry that will leave the reade...

What Would You Do If You Were Me?

What would you do if you were me? A testimony of survival in prison is side-splittingly funny, moves...

Fred the Amazing Frog

Fred is a superstar. Every day he puts on a show for all the frogs in Lily Pond.

He d...


Have you ever wondered how life could be different? Have you ever wondered what your purpose on eart...

Penelope's Purple Pajamas

Penelope refuses to sleep without her favorite pajamas. What happens next is a whimsical tale of ima...

The End of an Era: Diverse Thoughts From 100+ Years of Living

The End of an Era: Diverse Thoughts From 100+ Years of LivingOffered here is a comparison of the cus...

HVAC Electrical for Idiots

The New Way of Testing for Carbon Monoxide (Now that we use Combustion Air Intake)Helpful Sales T...