Angel Stones
Man has been on earth for millions of years. Recorded history has covered only a few thousands of these years. Archeologists can account for a few thousand more. If you think about it, that leaves time for numerous rises and falls of advanced cultures, sufficient time that no sign of their existence would be recognizable today. Some of these near extinctions were probably triggered by worldwide events. These events in a few hundred years, if remembered at all, were only myths and legends. I think the pressure of these events are probably responsible for the subtle unexplained changes in man's development over the eons.
In Angel Stones, time has come for another step in man's never-ending development. The problem is governments, some organized religions, and technology stand in the way and must be dealt with. The story centers around Bill, a spiritually disillusioned engineer; David, freelance reporter with a cat named Satan; a woman with an unknown past; and a widowed American Indian. Their lives are profoundly changed, directly and indirectly, by a spiritual individual only known as Adam who, at various times, gives them small pure white stones that radiate energy and feel warm to the touch. All are being watched by two separate shadowy government operatives. Also watching is an unforeseen outside entity that steps in to alleviate all problems.
Angel Stones can be read and enjoyed be almost any age. After reading it, you may find yourself looking at the world and life in a slightly different way. Read at your own risk.
-- D. Davis