Better Angels
What would it look like if Lesley and Dusty had a romantic relationship? A good Jewish girl from an upper-class upbringing and with a degree from a private college whose first musical influences were jazz singers and a Catholic singer with the voice that would define white female soul vocalists to this day.The good girl falls for the older British singer whose life would be riddled with addiction and bouts of mental health issues. How would the two traverse the winding roads of fame, being in love and losing their places in the pop music industry from the sixties? Could their careers rebound after fading away to the majority of the public? How would 2005 find them in their personal lives and in their music careers?How does their relationship end? Does it?I hope you enjoy the music, fame, passion, and heartache I've taken Lesley and Dusty through!From Chapter 1"All the American performers were on the Mercury label. They arrive early and were chaperoned by a Mercury manager. Lesley was the last in line as they filed through the narrow hall. She stopped to look at the photographs and posters on the wall. Absorbed in a photograph of Edith Piaf, Lesley felt the presence of someone behind her. She turned to find Dusty, her arms folded across her chest and smiling. "Well, love. It's true.""Hi. I'm Lesley. What's true?""I know. I'm Dusty. Your eyes. They are beautiful." Dusty winked, turned, and walked away.
-- Linden Leliévre