Black Lives Don't Matter In America's Criminal Justice System
-The purpose of this book is to bring focus on America's current justice system. It is all too common that Americans cry out for justice. However, many don't understand how Black and Brown people are underserved by this system. Through life experiences—living, observing, and working within the system—I have determined that the current criminal justice system is flawed in providing equal justice to Black and Brown people.I hope that after Americans read this book, they will begin to see America for what it really is. The American way is not based on liberty and justice for all. The harsh reality is that it is based on liberty and justice for a few. America has got to come to terms with itself. America has to admit that racism is a reality and is built in every web of our society.How can so many White Americans insist that there is not institutional racism but recognize that White privilege exists? America has got to wake up and stop lying to itself. We are going to have to be inclusive to continue down a path of greatness. Please don't let racism destroy the great nation that America has become. We have an opportunity today to defy history. All great nations of the past, at some point, had come to an end. The primary reason is an unwillingness to change.Going forward, we are going to have to start looking at America as one. We have to turn these words into reality: "one nation under God indivisible." The key to our success and survival going forward will only be achieved as one. The time is now! We must change our mindset! If not, racism will be our demise!
-- Terry Nelson