Dad's Home
In July of 2018, I wrote this book during a long separation from my daughter. I have such great memories of reading Dr. Seuss to her as I did every night. Mommy read to her once, and within one minute, my three-year-old daughter asked her mother, "Mommy, stop. Get Daddy so he can read, you don't do it right." I wanted to write something that would be fun to read for a child and a parent.When reading this, I believe the writing style and rhymes allow the reader to become much more animated, keeping the attention of your child and bringing smiles.This is a book of imagination and anticipation about a child imagining what fun things can they can do when Dad gets home.You should be aware that I spent some time. I spent some time to make it rhyme.You'll see that reading can be much more fun. You'll laugh and smile by the time you're done.So buy this book and buy it now! Find a clerk; they'll show you how.
-- Yusuf