This is basically a story of my awareness through some kind of a portal, where time and space, can be traveled through by a person or some part of a person, and my encounters of going through the particular portal or portals.I try to relay to the reader every facet of my experiences, and for a catalog period of over 20 years. And if it weren't for the astral consciousness that I was understanding by finding books in the library on the particular subject, I might not have been able to improve my ability on the matter. The astral realm set some kind of basis to me which was defined to the undefined and now this new frontier can be solidly entered by mankind to find insights. This is no new subject. From bible times to the days of old, these encounters have been witnessed and noted, and all the reader needs to do, is take a sincere effort to condition themselves for these experiences maybe. Just like the old saying, "If you don't succeed at first, try again." This book is not necessarily designed to improve the individual of a social standing, but by reading it, they might be able to keep peace with themselves. In regard to diet, I would not suggest eating or drinking anything that is poison. Are you ready to read this book?
-- Joseph Lawler