Feelings welled up like an overflow of my being. It was born as an expressive vehicle to bring out an outpouring of emotions faced with the need to escape pain and overcome a difficult stage, in search of the light at the end of the tunnel.
For this reason, more than anything, this book exhibits and empties on a paper my appreciations, my feelings, and my perspectives on various subjects that concern the heart like nostalgia, impotence, and fear but, above all, the desire to return love and gratitude to each of the people who have impacted my life. So the poems experience traits and moments of the family. And a vivid tribute is felt to the absent husband and to the beautiful experience of a true marriage, which was consolidated with the precious fruit of his son.
Feelings invites you to know and share who I am. But essentially, its contents send a hopeful message: Sometimes real-life situations such as the loss of a loved one can polish in you a talent that you do not know. They can fill you spiritually and make you grow for a living purpose just as God worked to reclaim and mature another person in me.
-- Regla Teresa Dominguez