How Can I Engage Thee?
Synopsis of trademarkI chose to model the uhuru sasa, trademark in the shape of an unfinished hive. The hive in it's undeveloped stage is the underlining nucleus of the uhuru sasa. Acronym: unionizing human beings to become universal role models through up-tempo stanzas and standard acoustics.I chose to model the uhuru sasa trademark after the hymenopteran--the honeybee--not because we tend to associate the bee with economic commerce but because the bee, like all hymenopterans, develop through four distinctive stages--egg, larva, pupa, and adult.Our beliefs at the uhuru sasa poet's society is that writer's too develop and nurture their literary skills through distinctive stages as well. It is our belief that a tree has to first become nascent in the mind before its branches can produce fruit!We incorporate and exemplify this belief through our literary curriculums, as well as through the mission and purpose of our logo and trademark, uhuru sasa!
-- Kitabu