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Larry P. Revisited is a timely effort on the part of a group of dedicated professionals to address failures to afford quality education for African American students because of faulty testing procedures. America can't afford to fail to fully educate its black children. They, along with other people of color, will comprise 50 percent of the population two generations from now. Larry P. Revisited thus constitutes a vitally important contribution in this respect.
—William F. Brazziel
University of Connecticut
The subtitle "Learning While Black" is all about the fight for equity in America's public-school systems.
—Lee Romney
KALW, Education Reporter
When the head of the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP demanded the city declare a "state of emergency" to tackle low academic test results for African American students, he turned the blame on the grown-ups. "It's not that the children are failing," the Reverend Amos Brown told school board trustees. "I'm using the plural pronoun ‘we.' We are failing." The so-called equity gap has persisted for decades. As a group, African American students in San Francisco and across the country struggle in public school, often posting the lowest test scores and graduation rates and the highest rates of suspension and chronic absenteeism.
—Reverend Amos Brown
President, San Francisco, NAACP
These proceedings offer a concise, clear, and powerful summary of current issues regarding the psychological assessment of African Americans. It is a must read for psychologists, educators, parents, and others concerned with the development of African American children.
—Kenneth Monteiro, PhD
San Francisco State University
-- William A. Thomas, Ph.D.