Man Stuff
In the end, there is no accurate portrait of a human life. There is a coming and going, a squawking arrival and an unknown unavoidable departure. But there is no rational passage from point A to point B, and eventually, point Z. Life is a turbulent journey that produces a blurred and disorienting picture to any objective observer.
But we do have our stories and that's what this book is about. These are the stories of Thomas Kemera. They are stories told by him and told about him by another. They reflect the silliness, the confusion, the longing for love, the fear of physical and emotional harm, and the desire to claim his own purpose and demand recognition of his own presence in a mysterious universe that is his life.
The stories should hold their own individually. There is no need to read them sequentially, other than the fact that it might be more convenient to do so. But together, they should present a portrait of this man, Kemera. It won't be complete. More may be added as time passes. But the pictures should be something that you can recognize and, hopefully, like.
-- L.A. Robinson