Morgan's Station
I was completely captivated! The characters are weaved into historical events and make the reader feel as if they are experiencing them. It is obvious that the author has taken great pains to be accurate in the most minute of details which adds greatly to the depth of his work. The only negative I can think of is that there's an ending, as I wanted to keep reading!—David Charles
A perfect book to take a step back into the past of Kentucky's frontier. Bishop's illustrations create an on-edge experience filling you with a whirlwind of emotions. Feel fear, joy, loss, and love, as Native Americans and pioneers leading up to and following the battle of Morgan's Station.—Nathan Williams
From beginning to end, this book will keep you entertained. From the anticipation of the attack on Morgan's Station to the despair and challenges of the escape and tracking afterward. The best part is the book was written to allow you to feel connected to both the settlers and the Indians. It's a tragedy, it's a love story, it's a journey of personal development, and it's a history lesson. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I cannot wait to read the author's next one.—Rob Linton, DC
Excerpt from the Kentucky Gazette, S A T U R D A Y, April 6, 1793
"On Monday evening last, Morgan's Station on Slate Creek, was taken and burnt by a party of thirty-five Indians; Two of the inhabitants were killed and nineteen taken prisoner; they were pursued, and within about thirty miles the whole of the prisoners were found tomahawked and scalped, one of which (a woman) was found alive and in her senses, after being tomahawked and two scalps taken off.—we have the above information from the husband of the unfortunate woman."
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-- Charles Jay Bishop II