My Self-Destructive Rebirth
It is not always easy to tell your story, especially when it revolves around feelings you do not quite understand. Vulnerability has proven to be terrifying. However, the most beautiful and enlightening accounts are often the hardest to share. My story, the one you are reading, was written during the most trying times of my life. I will carry you through my personal heartache, fear, loss, and tribulation. Parts of me wished to keep these fragments of myself a secret forever. And although speaking my truths was difficult, I have a feeling it would have been much more difficult to hide them. My bitter realities were succeeded by unimaginable rewards—joy, connection, growth, and love. My story is not about heartbreak. It is about healing. My story is not about endings. It is about rebirth. Thank you for holding my heart in your hands.
-- Kamryn Shea