Nature's Wish
In Sean Hudson's new book of poems called Nature's Wish, he tries to describe a new world in which human survival at this stage in our human evolution should not have to depend on the killing of any animal life anywhere in this human world of ours. After all, meat can be grown in a laboratory. He believes that if we do continue to evolve as human beings, the world five hundred years from now will look back at this time as being inhabited by a bunch of savages who still believe in the necessity of killing each other in wars all over the planet, and they will wonder how we ever survived to our present time.This disregard for life permeates our world today and is integral to our very existence. And so, in winding up, will we really be able to survive to this world I describe a half millennium from now? Upon examination, I have reason to believe their reaction would render them speechless.
-- Sean Hudson