Night Songs
Night Songs
Night Songs is a titled expression
To confirm God's presence;
For especially in the midst of trouble,
We can experience his essence.
A song is usually a brief composition
Meant to be sung;
A poem that gives a special message
With melodious tongue.
A song usually makes one merry
And sometimes makes one sad;
But this collection of songs in the night
Is written to make you glad.
Night Songs is not set to music,
But is poetic expressions;
Having triumphant effect a song provides
With inspirational lessons.
Night Songs is written to encourage
And to give you strength;
It's written to tell you God will help
And go to any length.
Night Songs is written to say God loves you,
And that he really cares;
For every burden that comes upon you,
He is willing to bear.
-- Joyce A. Bratten