Second - String Trilogy: APP
All entry-level individuals enter the career paths of their choice or sometimes the availability of an alternate path as second-stringers. Doctors, preachers, lawyers, educators, soldiers, sales people, designers, farmers, factory workers, sports players, and the list goes on, all second-stringers.
There are criteria that must be satisfied before vertical movement is possible in all career paths. After the principles or standards are met and satisfied, the responsibility for advancement falls on the individual, not the system.
In the preparation phase of the second-stringer, one should, in addition to the preparation for the desired career path, prep for the method to be utilized for vertical movement. Look cautiously at the method one selects to utilize. Vertical movement goes up and down! Every career path has a system for advancement. Learn the system!
The most read book in the world utilizes a system, method, and divine inspirational discovery that is presented in part by the author in this manuscript.
The challenge now begins...
Will you, the focused stringer, show callous behavior or take the friction that will come with anticipated reaction as part of the climb process? Remember other stringers are competing with you for attaining a first-string position. One will multiply one's advantage by applying the knowledge made available by this manuscript, guiding one through the climb process, which will be slowly transitioning from a staircase climb to a protected escalator ride that only allows exit at its designated destination.
Are you that stringer who is focused for the escalator ride that could take place in your future?
Intrigued? If so, WELCOME ABOARD!
-- Robert Hebert