SITPOE (Situational Poetry)
SITPOE (Situational Poetry) is a collection of poems about various situations in life, from sexy to somber topics and almost everything in between. The diverse topics reflect a range of thoughts, feelings, and experiences--imaginary, hypothetical, and realistic. Each topic is placed into its own chapter, grouping similar subjects together. Some chapters contain poems that are light and entertaining and will make you smile, while others are of a darker nature and will inspire you to ponder more complicated situations in life.N. Eisenrose has carefully crafted each poem to rhyme with a point, a concept, a perspective, an experience, a dream, fantasy, and reality that is formed by or within each situational poem. The poems are inspirational, emotional, playful, and haunting. Some poems express pizazz, while others are introspective. Some offer a message that is simple to grasp, while others are individually interpretive for those who enjoy dissecting stanzas and exploring the deeper meaning built into each rhyme
SITPOE (Situational Poetry), by N.Eisenrose, has won a handful of awards including:
New York Book Festival, Honorable Mention Award Won for Poetry
International Book Awards, Finalist Award Won for Narrative Poetry
Beach Book Festival, 2023 Beach Book Festival Award Winner for Poetry
Firebird Book Awards, 1st Quarter 2023 Firebird Book Award Winner for Literary Fiction
BookFest Book Awards, Award for Poetry and Inspiration
-- N. Eisenrose