Surviving the Men in My Life
I feel everyone has a story to tell and we all wear masks to cover who we really are. We want others to think our lives are perfect, but that is not always the case. Our masks hide the pain and suffering each of us may have endured at some point in our lives. It is with this book that I am lowering my mask to reveal to you who I truly am.
This first book will tell you about two of my marriages and the men in between. My first marriage was to my high school sweetheart who really didn't want to be married, but never found the courage to tell me. After a few years and an assortment of men, I married my second husband. Within a few months the mental and physical abuse began and I realized that I had made a terrible mistake. I blamed myself at first, but after years of trying to be a 'better' wife I realized that it wasn't me, it was him. You will understand by reading my book what I went through and how I finally escaped his dominance.
I hope this first book will entertain you and help you navigate down your own 'path of life'. I have suggested music to listen to while you read my book hoping it will help you understand my life. Music has always spoken to me, telling me a story. Listen to Annie Lennox singing "Why" and you will understand a little about who I am..."You don't know how I feel."
A portion of the profits made from the sale of this book will be donated to a Domestic Violence Program.
-- M.J. AKA