Tell No More Lies
Candy was still up to her old tricks. After about a year without any contact with Jack, she still has love in her heart for him, and the passion was getting stronger. Candy gave birth to Tom's third child, but the desire for Jack was still there. During the year Candy and Jack were apart, she started back-dating Tom, since she had three of his children. Jack tried so hard to stay away from Candy and focus on his marriage to Pam, but that didn't seem to be working. Candy tried to contact Jack one day, but his number was changed, and he decided to call her and hang up. But little did he know, the call went through, and that's the day it all happened.
Jack told Candy about the birthday party that Pam was having for the children on Saturday, not expecting her to come. She walked in with gifts singing happy birthday until she was noticed and told to leave. She had something else in mind. She stabbed Jack, sending him to ICU, but the stabbing still didn't end their sexual relationship. Candy gave birth to the fourth baby with Tom, thinking that would help her get over Jack. After all the back and forth with Candy and going to counseling Jack finally realized that he loved Pam and wanted his marriage to work out. Pam later gave birth to twin girls, and the six children and Pam were finally Jack's only focus.
-- Braggie Anne Mabry