The Devil Has a Son
I, William A. Hagwood, a veteran of US army, from December 5, 1976, to December 7, 1982, two days AWOL, wrote these truths because I am compelled to do so. I am not a war veteran, but this is my war that I have been in a fight with for over thirty years in dreams and nightmares.At a substance abuse group class at the VA hospital in Tampa, Florida, conducted by a counselor named David Smith, I told this story: The Devil Had a Son: The 13th Step.I was told to stop telling the story. This is beyond belief and too gross for the class to hear or receive by David Smith. And his analysis of me and the way that I thought was irrational and that I was out of my mind.I took a number of tests at the VA hospital to see where my mental stability and if I was stable in my thinking and mind. It was said that there was nothing wrong with my mental stability and to stay in school.Today and tomorrow along with yesterday, school is in session because I ended up knowing what I was fighting against physically but not spiritually. So for myself to be set free with an excellent spirit, I tell this truth for myself.The Bible's heroes are made to walk across the stage of life again to further lessons and in a spiritual example for all believers and for myself to know that I've learned my lesson well.I Know that it's hard to believe things that aren't seen because of the lack of belief in things not seen in the natural.But remember this life lesson that I leave you with, the four-score judgment that I live for today and the abandonment from God, which causes the abandonment from every good thing in life mentally and physically and with our loved ones also. Imprisonment can also open your eyes to save yourself. Then at the end, there is death. Then the four-score judgment belongs to the beast.
-- William Amos Hagwood