The East Coast Chronicles
The East Coast of the United States is, arguably, the most interesting region in America. The earliest settlers to the new continent came to the East Coast, mostly from Europe. They brought with them rich, ancient cultures, unique foods, a chance for a new life and, most of all, they brought a thirst for freedom. Most of these immigrants had come from living under one form of tyranny or another. They all seemed to be searching for independence and a simple, but comfortable, way of life. Each of the fifteen states along the east coast of America was founded by peoples seeking political or religious freedom. Europe's population had outgrown the land. Food was getting scarce. The primary fuel and building material of the time was wood. European countries had cut down most of their forests, and trees were not able to grow fast enough to keep up with demand.The knowledge that a continent with seemingly endless forests and endless fertile land was too good to resist. They came in droves. Over the generations, these immigrants and their offspring built a life and country that was the envy of the world. This did not come without struggle, hardship, work, innovation and even war. This book contains a series of stories, each of which takes place or begins in one of the 15 states that make up the east coast of the United States. One story has nothing to do with the other. The characters in each story are different. Each story takes place in a different time and era. The stories may be true or completely fictitious. There is only one common theme in these stories, which the reader is left to discover. Fear not. If you do not discover the theme, it will not take away from whatever humor, intrigue, or discovery you may find in each story. The book is simply meant to be entertaining.Hopefully, you will enjoy the journey!
-- Edward Hopkins