The End-Time Book
This book has the revelatory truth about what God has foreordained to happen according to his eternal sovereignty. The purpose for Judah's exile was to bring about end-time revelation through Daniel. Out of this came the revelation of those beast kingdoms (nations). The term beast nations came as the result of non-Jew nations that tried to annihilate the nations of Israel off the face of the earth. The spirit of the Antichrist ruled those nations or kings. As we are already in the end-time, the Antichrist will show up in reality and will implement diabolical things to happen.So this book is informative in terms of exposing the coming lying events of the Antichrist, such as fake peace treaty, one-world order of worship, his code (number of his name) to trade in world economy, his evil pressure toward the church and Israel (tribulations). This book explains the misunderstanding of the word harpado (caught up) and the common word known as rapture. The misunderstanding of harpado (rapture), God's wrath, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Please, my reader, take your time to study through and allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate your spirit to get all the truth in this book prayerfully.
-- T.A Wilder & Teacher A. Kemevor