The Lighthouse: A Love Story for the Ages
The Lighthouse: A Love Story for the Ages, is a coming-of-age romance, between a fourteen-year-old girl, and a sixteen-year-old boy. The story is set in Brooklyn, New York, in 1975, at a time when Brooklyn was very segregated. The young lady is of African descent, and the young man is Italian. The story is being told twenty years later, by the now thirty-four-year-old, as she returns to Brooklyn to investigate his murder. The entire relationship between the two main characters, takes place in a lighthouse, hence the title of the book, and is mostly told in backstory.All of the characters, with the exception of the protagonist, were developed at the speed of the story.
The Novel was written alongside two other pieces: A collection of short stories, and a collection of poems. All three books took a year, and a half to write.
I put my everything into this novel, in order to bring forth characters that my readers can relate to, and at times, be both sympathetic, as well as outrage. I hope that they connect to the characters on the same emotional level as I have.
-- Lisamarie Patterson-Carlton