The Narcissist Discard
If a majority of people were to be asked what a narcissist is, most would not describe it correctly.There are many different types of narcissism and many different degrees of this disorder.Covert narcissism, or a co narc, is a type of narcissism that, as the name implies, is hidden or not seen. And because of its stealthy traits, it can be very dangerous and damaging to those who interact or become romantically involved with a person suffering with this disease. It is a condition, unfortunately, that is misunderstood many times or not realized until it is too late; and the number of people suffering from this are on the rise.Many of the victims or receivers of the abuse do not even know they are being abused, nor have any idea how to deal or protect themselves from this condition. The feelings of uncertainty and confusion often will result in a victim or receiver of this abuse not only undergoing much pain and suffering but the victim will also often become a person they do not want to be.In this book, I will identify the different stages of covert narcissism, what each stage means, and why a discard is not only part of the plan from the beginning of the relationship but is inevitable. I will name and explain different characteristics and actions of the co narc and when the co narc will apply these.No matter what the victim did or said, dealing with a co narc was a near impossible task and in no way was the discard the fault of the victim. The victim is not alone nor uncommon. There are many who have suffered from the hands of the co narc. These victims now understand the pain and suffering and now speak and understand a unique language. Now, the victim can heal and most importantly identify avoiding further misery.
-- Michael Persico