Trading Places
In 1980, Kathleen Paquette had cerebral aneurysm. She was lucky enough to have gotten the best brain surgeon money can buy, Dr. Clough, who also happens to be the brain surgeon for the K.C. Chiefs.
According to the doctor, due to the location of the aneurysm, it was assumed if she lived, she would have an enormous amount of brain damage, although she was actually not expected to even live through the surgery. He said at the very least that her entire memory would be completely erased. However, through divine intervention and a very mysterious and unusual type of miracle called a walk-in soul, it helped bring her through her brain surgery with flying colors.
Actually, her personality did change, however. It changed so dramatically it frightened her family enough that they were not able to deal with it. Unfortunately, every single one of them scattered like roaches and more or less disowned her. She became the black sheep of the family practically overnight. All of her birthrights and privileges as a sister, daughter, mother, and a grandmother were suddenly taken from her, and she was no longer included in any more family functions and get-togethers. It was one of the most bizarre and surreal things she has ever seen, and she was absolutely devastated because of it.
If that wasn't bad enough, she eventually developed bipolar disorder as well, which pushed them even farther away from her.
So for the next thirty-five years, she literally felt like she was living in the Twilight Zone, until one day, not that long ago, she made an extremely profound discovery that finally helped her make sense of this whole nightmare, and the shocking truth of it all lies among the pages of this very book.
-- Kathleen Paquette