Whom The Gods Would Destroy
Sarianna Welles is raised by a sadist. Robert Rhodes is taught by a sadist. Now both find that sadism is a life they enjoy, even if they hate themselves for it.Sarianna and Robert meet and fall madly in love, each without knowing the truth about the other.Their long honeymoon is about new experiences of the mind and body. They each come to believe that love has cured them of their evil desires. But when they return, Robert lusts after his old life of sadistic pleasure.Sarianna discovers his secret, but instead of being appalled, she joins her husband in his evil works.But fate will always set things right; and soon they are getting the feeling that, one way or another, payment for their sins will be exacted. It will be a high price. There is a NYC police captain determined to discover the monsters who are torturing and killing these young women. He will make their murderers pay.
-- Linda Darke